Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A New Chapter in My life....

So I just registered for Cosmetology classes and I could not be more excited! This is something I could really see myself enjoying and being good at! i love hair! i love people! what better job for me? lol I will be spending lots of time at school and away from Ryley and Matt but its only for a couple semesters then I'll be licensed and ready to go out and make money! then at some point i would also like to go to school to become an estitician as well! I'm sooo excited to start this new part of my life! i think it will be great for my family and for me.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I can't believe how this year is flying by, its already MAY! and Matts birthday is coming so soon (on the 30th) and I still have no idea what to get him. eeek!

Ryley will be having his eye muscle correction surgery in a few months and i'm worried but i know everything will work out! i just hate all the comments and questions from people- sooo rude sometimes. I would never imagine asking a mother what was wrong with her childs eye but apparently oklahomans have no class...lol My lil Ryley is and has always been perfect to me. What some people may see as flaws or imperfections only make me see him more perfectly. Being a mother has changed me in so many ways. I love LOVE how it has opened my eyes and heart to things i was blinded to before. It has made me realize that life is so full of so many beautiful moments- moments that would have meant nothing to me before motherhood. I thank god everyday for my beautiful life.

I have come to see that family is sooo important. When everyone else walks away and I feel so alone I know I never am. I have taken them for granted for so long and I won't be doing that anymore. Living so far from everyone I love has made me appreciate every minute I get to spend with them and look foward to the next time I get to see them, hug them and tell them I love them.

Having Gastric Bypass has changed my life in sooo many ways. I am sooo grateful I was able to have the surgery. I am happy, healthy and lighter! I no longer have Type II Diabetes or Sleep Apnea and now when I sleep I feel rested, now when I eat I don't have to stuff myself sickly full before I actually realize I AM full. I take my time and enjoy eating and have time to feed Ryley and make sure he is getting as much food as he needs and Matt is even more aware of the things he is putting in his body. We are both better and healthier since my surgery. Its been 7 months now and I've lost 75 lbs. I feel truly amazing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Birthday, Deployment & Weight loss progress

So its almost been 3 months since my weight loss surgery and i have lost nearly 56 lbs. i feel amazing and from people are telling me i look great too! i feel like i have more energy and have been getting out of the house tons more than i was before. I'm so glad i went through with the surgery. it truly was a great decision.

In other news....
Ryley will be turning 2 in just a few weeks. I can't believe how fast he has grown. and lord knows i've got some crazy baby fever. lol

Also, Matt will be deploying sometime in April and will be gone for 4 months. i suppose i should consider myself lucky to have him gone for only 4 months but i'm rather selfish and would like to have him home, safe with us!! Its our first deployment so i don't know what to expect or what to do really. I know it will be tough but we can definately do it! I think my family may be sick of seeing me so much by the time matt gets home because i will be visiting alot!!

I think thats all for now. I'll be back updating again soon! love to all!

Monday, November 30, 2009

one month out from surgery!

35 lbs lighter and i'm happy as can be!! my clothes are fallin off of me! i feel like a whole new person. eating is still a task for me and i get sick alot!! but its totally worth it. i just have to make sure i'm getting all my protein and vitamins in.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Holidays are coming up so quickly....

Matt & I are so bummed because we won't be able to make it home for the holidays. We wanted to so badly to see our families and spend some much needed vacation time with them but our financial situation will not allow it. My brother, Mike will be in texas and my younger brother, Matthew just had his son, whom i've yet to meet and I was really looking forward to seeing them.

Maybe next Christmas. To all our family out there- we love you! and wish we could be there with you all.

*hugs & kisses*

Katie, Matt & Ryley

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Starting to feel alot better!

Thank goodness that I was in good health before I got my surgery done, because I went in for a Drs appt yesterday and they could not believe how quickly im healing and how well i looked. I've lost 12 lbs as of today and I feel great. i feel like a mommy again! and not a useless bum stuck on the couch lol.

I really want to thank all my amazing friends who have helped out so much in my time of need. you are all angels and I am forever in your debt.

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and that means family coming into town and yummy food to be had by all! including me! i'll be able to eat by then yay!!

Christmas is just around the corner- time flies after labor day huh? hopefully we can make our way to Texas for the holidays. My brother Mike will be in town and I would love to see him and my nephew- Justin (Matt's son)- whom i've yet to meet. I hope everything works out!

On a final note- Ryley is growing so fast he wears size 4 shoes and size 12-18 month clothes AND he now has 14 big ole' chompers in that lil mouth of his! he is looking more and more like Matt everyday but he has my cheekies so i'm quite content with that. we will post family pictures soon! love to all!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ryley's 2nd Halloweenie!

So we went out early this year and bought Ryley his costume and were completely excited about getting him out to Trick-or-Treat this year and 6 o'clock rolled around and he would not let us put his costume on him so hopefully next year he'll be a little more cooperative with us. Mommy and Daddy were so bummed! we wanted everyone to see how cute he looked in his Monkey costume. oh well! Here he is!